Chasing Dramas

The Longest Day in Chang An – Ep 7: Upping the Ante

After an intense standoff in the last episode, in episode 7, Zhang Xiao Jing finally obtains crucial information about Long Bo and where the Wolf Squad might be hidden. The courtesan, Tong Er, who wanted to elope with her lover, is devastated to find that she is once again discarded by the man she loves. For Zhang Xiao Jing, this information comes at a cost. He can no longer rely on his old men for any information and must seek out Long Bo alone. Li Bi meanwhile stakes his own reputation and life on this mission, upping the ante for the entire Department of City Security

The Longest Day in Chang An – Ep 6: The Underground World

In episode 6 of the Longest Day in Chang'An, to find information about the token, Zhang Xiao Jing must negotiated with the leader of Chang'An's underground, a one Ge Lao. The information has a cost and Zhang Xiao Jing must decide if he will betray one of his own for the safety of all of Chang An. Listen to our latest podcast episode on this intense episode and a surprise guest appearance in the drama!

The Longest Day in Chang An – Ep 5: Expanded Threads

In episode 5 of The Longest Day in Chang'An, we're finally introduced to the mysterious Long Bo and get a good look at the woman Yu Chang. They have nefarious plans in place. Elsewhere, two women, Wen Yan and Wang Yun Xiu, are marching towards the Wolf Squad hideout hoping to capture some of them but are quickly outnumbered. Zhang Xiao Jing must find more clues and comes to the famous red light district of Ping Kang Fang. Answers do not come by easily and he must travel to the underground for more information. Listen to our latest podcast episode for more!

The Longest Day in Chang An – Ep 4: The Political Games Begin

Zhang Xiao Jing warns of an impending fire apocalypse but the political factions must weigh his words against the larger chest board at play. The battle between the Crown Prince and the Right Chancellor. Everyone has chosen a side, except for Zhang Xiao Jing but he must chose for the subjects of Chang'An instead. Listen to our latest as to how various factions react to the news and the struggle for power of Jing An Si

The Longest Day in Chang An – Ep 3: The Mystery of the Apocalypse

Zhang Xiao Jing chases the Wolf Squad member right into a religious ceremony. However, in the ensuing chaos, innocent bystanders and the Wolf Squad member are killed. Zhang Xiao Jing hears of a clue Que Le Huo Duo but cannot decipher it. He's quickly apprehended and sent to jail for causing this commotion, but in reality, it is to save his life from the mob. Zhang Xiao and the scholar Cheng Sen figure out the clue – an impending apocalypse. Elsewhere, we are introduced the Right Chancellor Lin Jiu Lang who clearly states that he opposes the Crown Prince.

The Longest Day in Chang An – Ep 2: The Chase Begins

Zhang Xiao Jing is officially released from prison to find the missing Wolf Squad. He leverages his old spy networks to find clues about who sold the maps of Chang'An to the Wolf Squad and gives chase when he finds one in the city. In the meantime, Li Bi and the Crown Prince must plan their next move against a looming threat.

The Longest Day in Chang An – Ep 1pt 2: More than A Lone Wolf

The escaped member of the Wolf Squad, Cao Po Yan, murdered an elderly man who scooped him out of the river and heads to a barber to shave his beard to better escape in the crowd. Meanwhile, Zhang Xiao Jing recovers a detailed map of Chang An that the Wolf Squad were seeking, indicating a bigger plot is afoot in Chang An, bigger than just finding the lone survivor of the Wolf Squad.

The Longest Day In Chang'An – Ep 1 pt 1: Welcome to Chang'An

Karen and Cathy discuss the first 20 min of episode one of The Longest Day In Chang'An. They introduce the layout of the city and how "fangs" work as well as the curfew system during the Tang dynasty. They provide an overview of how time was announced then and then introduce the main characters of Zhang Xiao Jing and Li Bi. Zhang Xiao Jing is an inmate on death row selected by Li Bi to track down a member of the Wolf Squad who escaped capture that may be intent on causing harm in Chang An.

The Longest Day in Chang'An 长安十二时辰- Intro to the Drama

We kick off our 4th season of Chinese history through Chinese dramas by starting our discussion of the Longest Day in Chang'An 长安十二时辰。 Based off of a 2017 book of the same name, this drama was nominated for and won numerous awards for acting, cinematography, production design among others. We provide a high level overview of the drama, discuss the setting in the Tang dynasty during Emperor Tang Xuan Zong's reign and introduce the two main leads, Lei Jia Yin and Yi Yang Qian Xi.