Flourished Peony (2025) 国色芳华
Summary: Merchant daughter He Wei Fang ftYang Zi was able to secure a divorce from a marriage that only focused on benefits with the help of the city’s most corrupt official, Jiang Chang Yang feat Li Xian. The two were able to bump into each other a second time in the capital and He Wei Fang used an exceptionally rare peony and her business talent to create a business partnership with Jiang Chang Yang. Her skill is growing beautiful peonies and she is able to use this skill to help change the lives of other women with difficult backgrounds. She teaches them how to create flower shops and create brands. In the process, she learns that the man with the corrupt reputation is actually a kind and caring person with thoughts of improving the kingdom. The two work together to help the kingdom and help quell a coup
Initial Airing Date: Jan 7, 2025
Total episode count: 40
Platform: MangoTV, Hunan television
Initial Rating 7.7/10 [10 episodes] – A beautiful Tang dynasty drama focusing on yet another woman in business but this drama does it better than many that aired in 2024. The production quality is top notch with gorgeous costumes and hairstyles. Though some enunciation could be improved, I’ve been impressed by the acting of the main cast, particularly Li Xian.
Final Rating: 8/10 – An insightful drama with intriguing secondary characters. The chemistry between Li Xian and Yang Zi is fantastic. Odd pacing hinders the drama in the late game and there IS a second season but this drama ends on a strong note.

He Wei Fang 何惟芳 Yang Zi 杨紫
Daughter from a wealthy merchant family. Knows how to grow peonies

jiang chang yang 蒋长杨 li xian 李现
A corrupt official with close ties to the Emperor

liu chang 刘畅 Wei Zhe Ming 魏哲明
Husband to He Wei Fang. Former lover of Princess You Zhen

li you zhen 李幼贞 zhang ya qin 张雅钦
Recently widowed princess that still loves Liu Chang

Plot Summary
During the Tang dynasty, daughter of a merchant, He Wei Fang (ft Yang Zi) marries into the Liu Family with a handsome dowry in exchange for medicine to save her mother’s life. However, her husband Liu Chang (ft Wei Zhe Ming) is just as unhappy about the match as it was a forced marriage by his parents who hoped to use He Wei Fang’s dowry to plug the holes in their family finances.
For a year, He Wei Fang tried to play the role of an obedient housewife but essentially living separately from Liu Chang. However, she finds out that the medicine given to save her mother’s life was fake which resulted in her mother’s death. Additionally, Princess Li You Zhen ft Zhang Ya Qin, Liu Chang’s first love, arrives at the Liu family. With her is Jiang Chang Yang ft Li Xian, a seemingly corrupt official who only cares about food, wine and women.
The arrival of these guests changes the dynamic in the Liu family as the Princess still has feelings for Liu Chang. He Wei Fang is also eager to separate from this marriage given the lies and disrespect she has suffered. Though not everything goes according to plan, He Wei Fang manages to escape out of Luo Yang and heads to the capital city of Chang An where she hopes to earn a living by selling beautiful peonies, a skill her late mother imparted on her.

Initial Thoughts
A thoroughly enjoyable historical romance. It features many similar tropes as dramas last year – female lead learning to do business in a patriarchal oppressive society paired with a male lead with more money and status. But at least for the first 10 episodes, this drama works because the focus is primarily on the main female lead’s own struggles and skills, rather than heavy reliance on the main male lead. This drama highlights the struggles that women go through in a financially abusive relationship which is often times paired with other types of abuse. Though some online commentary question the prevalence of domestic violence, I adamantly believe it’s important to show how tough it can be in an unhealthy relationship even today. The female friendships are also more impactful in this drama because the women have suffered but are looking ahead to a better life.
Additionally, it’s very evident that this is a high production drama. The costumes, hairstyles, makeup are all trying to be historically Tang dynasty accurate with a few flairs of creativity. The result is quite stunning. We get another view of the grandeur of the Tang dynasty. There are plenty of live animals as well. Did a doe really need to be at the Jiang manor? The hunting dogs are also special breeds, and likely expensive. (We discussed this when talking about The Longest Day in Chang’An). Money was definitely spent on this show.
What are viewership numbers like? Because this drama airs on Mango TV, it does not have the same metrics like the popularity index for Tencent, Youku and iQiyi available. Some metrics put this squarely second behind Guardians of the DaFeng. It is also receiving top viewership numbers for network television on Hunan TV.

Character Commentary
- Jiang Chang Yang – FINALLY a guy in this archetype doesn’t say ridiculous things like “I trained you well” or “that’s how I taught you” (looking at you Story of Pearl Girl). While he is intrigued by He Wei Fang and helps her occasionally, SHE is the one who has to show she is capable of receiving his help. When He Wei Fang went to court to try to get an amicable divorce, she looked to him for help several times but he didn’t offer any. He was waiting for her to fight for her own freedom. Only until the very end did he step in to seal the deal. Other dramas show the guy immediately taking a liking to the woman hence the help. Here? He is intrigued for sure, but still keeps his distance. He helps her to ensure her life is not in danger but beyond that? She has to show she has the skills to be of interest to him.
- Li Xian’s acting – I praise Liu Xian for threading the needle of being a “corrupt” official but not sleazy. You don’t think he’s a scumbag. Maybe a mild annoyance of someone who likes the company of women, but Li Xian body language gives respect where it’s due. I really appreciate that. Other actors can’t thread the needle this well.
- Liu Chang – He is probably the most interesting character in this show because he is full of contradictions and someone who is a product of the close minded feudalistic world view and education. Is he a fully bad person? No. He initially held on to his love of his princess despite being married. He helped He Wei Fang a couple of times when she was in dire straits. And he also has ambitions to serve his country through proper channels. But is he a good person? No as well. He sees He Wei Fang as his property. He doesn’t love her and only wants to “own” her. He almost committed marital rape because he feels entitled to He We Fang. He doesn’t see those in commerce as worthy and thinks they’re beneath him. He is attracted to He Wei Fang only because of the freedom she symbolizes but has no idea what she wants. He says he’ll protect her. How?
- Qin Sheng Yi – The most heartwarming character is this woman who could have left He Wei Fang to continue to be beaten but instead helped He Wei Fang escape, suffering the hits for herself. That level of bravery of helping another woman despite her own circumstances instead of dragging He Wei Fang down with her was so touching and admirable. Episodes 6 and 7 where incredibly impactful on the female relationships of how women ought to help each other.

Why This Drama Shines
Focuses on HER skills and the kindness of others, not how HE can save her: Throughout this drama, there have been many instances that subverted expectations. The main male lead could definitely step in to save her, but often times, He Wei Fang first creates the opportunity to save herself. Or else, another person (often times a woman), helps her out.
- Qin Sheng Yi risked her own life to help free He Wei Fang
- Random noble woman steps in to save He Wei Fang when she was attacked by the Liu Family
- Mute girl helps He Wei Fang when she was at her lowest
Sure, Jiang Chang Yang steps in occasionally, but He Wei fang’s first stop is to figure out how to save herself. She might include Jiang Chang Yang in her plans here and there, but he does not all out solve all of her problems. She must have the skills to do so herself.
This character has an aura of unwavering strength about her. She shines brightly towards the sun and that is why someone like Jiang Chang Yang would be attracted to her.

MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD – More character commentary – 24 eps in.
Qin Sheng Yi – A product of societal expectations: Episode 20+21 are some of the must frustrating and heartbreaking episodes. Frustrating because Qin Sheng Yi, after everything she went through, still decided to return to her abusive lifestyle. Heartbreaking because He Wei Feng is severely punished for it.
Except, I cannot help but lament Qin Sheng Yi. As she says in episode 24, she is someone who is deeply insecure. She hates herself and this self loathing is so ingrained, she cannot change it. Her family upbringing, her marriage, all taught her that her worth is to be at home with a man and children, and that for all intents and purposes, she is worthless. She has no sense of independence and is use to abuse. When she goes home, she instantly reverts to Qin Wu Er.
She is so scared of losing her relationship with He Wei Fang that she decided to sabotage it instead by turning around to find what she thinks is happiness to protect herself from what she thinks will be the inevitable moment where He Wei Fang has no use for her. Sadly, this was all in her head.
The online commentary around this character has been furious. But for the most part, people seem to understand that Qin Sheng Yi is a product of her upbringing. She cannot easily change her world view and episode 24 does a great job in showing that while she at her core is a kind and caring person, she looks down on herself. You cannot save someone like that. She needs to want to save herself.
Yet, while this character is set in the Tang dynasty, how many people today are stuck in the same type of abusive relationship? This goes for men and women. I think this drama is different in that the “bad” person portrayed here is actually societal expectations. Loving oneself is the most important factor in leading a happy and independent life. That’s why there’s been so much discussion around this multifaceted character. You want to hate her, but can’t help but feel sorry for Qin Sheng Yi.
Liu Chang – The delusional man: MAN – Liu Chang is WAY worse than Sheng Yi. God, I just want him to go away. He is so self absorbed in his own world view that his selfishness has done nothing but cause harm for He Wei Fang. What’s worse is that he doesn’t see it. Does he actually care for He Wei Fang? Absolutely not. He thinks she will give him the freedom he craves. What does the Princess see in this guy anyways? He is useless at court and so piney. He Wei Fang needs a restraining order against this guy.
Ep 24 – omg, Liu Chang is angry that He Wei Fang would rather be a slave than marry me? Can you please use your brain? Do you think she even saw the letter? The torn letter was from the Princess. This letter and everything Liu Chang’s done caused He Wei Fang’s problems but he thinks he can save her.
HE ABSOLUTELY CANNOT SAVE HER. He has no skills, no connections, nothing! He romanticized everything in his head and what’s worse is that no matter how many times He Wei Fang rejects him, he thinks she loves him. How delusional. Every time he says “I will protect you” to He Wei Fang, I just want to punch him in the face.

Final Thoughts
I really liked this drama. Some more reasons that I didn’t elaborated on include:
There was so much interesting Chinese history portrayed in the show. The wedding customs that were portrayed in both of He Wei Fang’s weddings as well as the Princess and Liu Chang’s wedding. The princess’s hair style is modeled off of a real antique that was discovered in a Tang dynasty tomb. The odd comforter that He Wei Fang used in the last episode with a weird cut out was actually realistic to the Tang Dynasty.
Side note, did you notice that the Princess new how to ride horses and was actually playing polo on horseback? I give major kudos to actress Zhang Ya Qin for that because I’m assuming its rather hard.
Fantastic Chemistry:Li Xian and Yang Zi have been friends for many years and their chemistry comes through. Li Xian has the ability to not be wooden which is rather special in the spades of wooden actors right now. He DOES have an enunciation problem when saying “Sheng Ren”, he says “Shen Ren” that irks the heck out of me, but that’s minor vs the rest of his acting. He is able to come off as very relaxed but can switch into serious mode seamlessly.
What Didn’t Work:
Pacing – Into the last 6 episodes, the drama jumps from light hearted moments to exceptionally emotional and traumatic with regards to Qin Sheng Yi. That was a little disjointed, but not a game changer.
Princess’s obsession: I’m trying to rationalize why the Princess is still so fixated on marrying Liu Chang. Perhaps she sees him as a reminder of her innocence and wants to return to that time period. She is very interesting since she represents exactly what Liu Chang was to He Wei Fang – oppressive, suffocating power. I do relish in the changed power dynamic here and cannot wait to see how Liu Chang and the Princess’s marriage ends up.
Lastly: The easy attack for many people online is on Yang Zi’s facial features. It is obvious that she has gotten some type of work done and perhaps it has hindered some of her acting abilities since yes, her face is frozen in certain parts. But, that didn’t completely detract from her acting in this show, the chemistry with Li Xian, the brilliant secondary characters and the fantastic production.
Stay Tuned for Season 2!