Chasing Dramas

The Story of Ming Lan – Ep 64: Love is Thicker than Blood

Ming Lan is still trying to get justice for her beloved Grandmother. The Wang family, however, tries every trick in the book to force Sheng Hong to let go of the matter. Ming Lan is about to do something rash but her brother Chang Bai and Gu Ting Ye return in time to save the day. Chang Bai passes judgment on his mother and Aunt. Is family thicker than blood? Will Chang Bai choose justice over his own mother? What will be the fate of the two Wang women? Listen to find out!

The Story of Ming Lan – Ep 63: And the Culprit Is…

After Ming Lan has rounded up all the evidence to show exactly how her grandma was poisoned, she must face off against the Wang family who will try to acquit either Madame Wang or Aunt Kang or both from their deeds.

The Story of Ming Lan: Ep 62 – Justice for Grandma Sheng

Grandma Sheng falls mysteriously ill and the heavily pregnant Ming Lan returns to the Sheng Manor to tend to her. She discovers an evil plot to poison Grandma Sheng. Upon some further investigation, Ming Lan deduces that the schemer comes from within the Sheng Family. Who is it and how will Ming Lan get justice for her grandmother?

The Story of Ming Lan – Ep 61: The Empress's Apology

The conflict between the Shen family and the Zhang family come to a head following Madame Zhang's harrowing labor process in the previous episode. At a loss for what to do next to maintain the peace in the empire, the Empress requests Ming Lan's presence who provides two stories for her to think about. The Empress heeds Ming Lan's advice with a grand apology to the Zhang family.

The Story of Ming Lan – Ep 60: Family Is The Strongest Backbone

In this episode we delve into the Wang family as the matriarch and current head of the family arrive in the capital and give context as to why Aunt Kang and Madame Wang are the way they are. Elsewhere, Ming Lan steps up to save her friend, Madame Zhang, who went into labor. Madame Zhang is also supported by a powerful family – one strong enough to defy the Emperor.

The Story of Ming Lan: Ep 57 pt 2 + Ep 58 pt 1 – Setbacks

After all of the political fighting in the previous episodes, the Emperor turns his attention towards salt taxation. His son, the Prince of Huan, volunteers to head south to perform an audit. Mysteriously, supporters of the Emperor all become embroiled in scandal. Ming Lan and Gu Ting Ye find themselves in the middle as they try to help their friends. In the meanwhile, Ming Lan shares some happy news with her husband. She's pregnant! Unfortunately this is short lived as Gu Ting Ye must head south with the Prince